Mobile ad spending is expected to grow rapidly. International Data Corporation (IDC) estimates that mobile advertising will surge from $4.5 billion last year to $12 billion by 2015.
Develop your websites to be mobile ready, then optimize them for mobile searches. Integrate mobile into your market plan, implement location based campaigns that place your message on the right channels. All campaigns must create content that is engaging, target your ads when mobile shoppers are in-store when they are pre-disposed to buy.

Why Mobile Advertising?
The benefit of Internet advertising is that the measurement and targeting of audiences is vastly superior to that in traditional advertising delivering highly targeted messages. Mobile is still messy, audience tracking is far more difficult.
Having said that, we do have a very good idea about the demographics of smartphone users. Shoppers can and do comparison shop online, researching varying models and consumer reviews.
Super Smart Storms
Last year’s Super Bowl is the first of many perfect storms for advertisers. Tide detergent, came up with: “We can’t get your #blackout, but we can get your stains out.” Then there was Nabisco’s Oreo that captures the moment with a tweet-off “Power out? No problem. You can still dunk in the dark.” The biscuit baker’s reward: 16,000 re-tweets and 20,000 Facebook likes. Last summer Wall’s ice cream sent advertisements to Londoners’ smartphones when temperatures climbed. When the weather cooled Kleenex tissue used Google search terms and health-service data to target ad spending to areas likely to suffer the most sneezes.
Constructing a fast and easy mobile site can be difficult since the compatibility is different and monitoring and changing must be in two different platforms. However, so much of today’s market and media are looked at and consumed on cell phones. Allowing customers to purchase products straight from their phones without having to resort back to their computers can be the step you need to increase your online market.
For more information about mobile advertising please contact us at 845.202.7087 or visit our website:
The Economist. May 18th 2013 |From the print edition Less guff, more puff. Technology Research. Digital Marketing Spend Report.
The Mobile Movement Study. Google April 2012.