White Paper: Print Marketing in a Digital World

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White Paper Print Marketing in a Digital World

Print is not Dead

The integration of marketing methods can provide a significant increase to a campaign’s effectiveness. The goal is to give your audience the choice to view your material on the platform they desire.

Digital marketing has become the modern way of communicating and delivering information. So much so, that many people have forgotten about print and think of it as an antiquated method.

But print is not dead!

Digital has clear advantages over print, including speed, cost and accessibility. The problem is, it doesn’t extract the same emotions from your audience that print does. Just imagine receiving a college diploma or even a written birthday card. Would it be as meaningful to you if you received it via email?

Studies have shown that print is still a strong influence on consumers. With careful targeting and limited abuse, the potential ROI is a great reason to start using print again.


For the rest of the White Paper, click here!



Hudson Valley Public Relations (HVPR) a leading content marketing agency, researched the importance of print marketing in a society that relies heavily on digital marketing.  Digital is the dominant marketing practice due to speed, accessibility and cost.  HVPR explains why print should not be forgotten but instead integrated into the marketing mix along with digital.

In the white paper we explore the rise of digital, the the power print actually still holds in the marketing world.  Then a discussion plus examples of print and digital integration are given.

Learn more about the best tactics to integrate print and digital marketing in the HVPR white paper.


Hudson Valley Public Relations specializes in content marketing.
Words, images and campaigns must be carefully crafted to break through and reach people. The future is now, mobile technology now delivers relevant content on demand. Our growth team focuses on hyper-local marketing and personalization.  We identify thought leaders, monitoring what’s important and what’s being said about your brand.  We develop innovative strategies combining technology and creativity to achieve real growth.  We target the right person, with the right message, at the right time, on the right device. Good reputation management controls the conversation, never let the crowd mash your message. Never react to a crisis, respond.

Hudson Valley Public Relations optimizes connections, building relationships.

White Paper: Print Marketing in a Digital World
Article Name
White Paper: Print Marketing in a Digital World
Hudson Valley Public Relations (HVPR) researches the importance of print marketing in a society that relies heavily on digital marketing tactics.
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Hudson Valley Public Relations
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Andrew Ciccone is director of Hudson Valley Public Relations. His firm specializes in content marketing. He holds a BS in Marketing from Syracuse University and a MA in Corporate Communications from Baruch College.

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