Content Marketing Guide

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Content Marketing

The way we consume media is rapidly evolving, savvy marketers realize that they must constantly asses and keep up to date on new technology and methods of engagement.

  • Content must add value and always be customer focused.
  • Invest in robust tracking and distribution software to identify and place your messages strategically.

Customized content builds relationships, establishes trust and loyalty that reaches an elusive highly desirable target audience. Content is carefully crafted to address your audience interests, needs and lifestyle successfully communicating your organizations values and goals.

Information is now consumed simultaneously on several platforms. Marketing plans must align and integrate strategies and goals to leverage the inherent strengths and limitations of all media and channels. Portable screens allow consumers to move effortlessly from one device to another. – Google Insights, Cross platform Consumer Behavior 2012.

Media Consumption: Digital Screens vs Traditional

Search is the most common bridge between devices. Well over half of all product searches begin with a search engine. – Google Insights, State of Online Shopping 2010.

Content Strategy

  • What is the brand message? Formats, channels, creative considerations.
  • Why do we care? Value, Benefits, Features, Social Responsiveness.
  • How do we say it? Communicate the message.
  • Where do we place the message?
  • When do we communicate the message? The frequency, and the limitations of the media.
  • Who are we talking to? Creates the content, monitors and measures performance.

Facebook Fan Engagement Engagement

  • Start with great content that is customer focused.
  • Assess and develop content for each channel to support the market goals.
  • Integrate content to build upon the strengths of combined media vehicles.
  • Always engage the consumer with contests, polls, news and feedback.



Content reports track how often people visit each page of your site, how long they stay, and how often they convert:

  • Identify important insights and signs of engagement ( Sales, Likes, Comments, Shares, Re-Tweets ).
  • Where, how and why is the engagement happening?

Google Analytic: Bounce Rate




Content Marketing Guide
Article Name
Content Marketing Guide
Content Marketing Guide: Customized content builds relationships, establishes trust and loyalty that reaches an elusive highly desirable target audience.
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Hudson Valley Public Relations
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Andrew Ciccone is director of Hudson Valley Public Relations. His firm specializes in content marketing. He holds a BS in Marketing from Syracuse University and a MA in Corporate Communications from Baruch College.

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