The visual appeal and ease of use of Pinterest has generated explosive growth.
A picture is worth a thousand words, it is so important that you select the best image for your blogs, splash pages, etc. and those critical micro-blogs on Facebook. That’s what get’s re-tweets, shares and more likes.
- Use hash-tag s keywords.,
- What drives you, gets you? Tell people about what your passion is, mine is “cinema”.
Boards must be interesting and original. I’m a “foodie”, my boards title is “Food Processor”.
- Keep it short. Facebook. Posts with 80 characters or less receive 23% higher interaction than longer posts.
- Photo posts receive interaction rates 39% higher than average. When fans are asked to like a post, there is a 3X higher like rate than when not asked to like.
- When fans are specifically asked to comment on a post, there is a 3X higher comment rate than when they are not asked to comment.
- When fans are asked to share a post, the share rate is 7X higher than those posts not asking fans to share.
For now, Facebook drives all things social. A strong base on Facebook will find you and re-pin your boards on Pinterest. PREDICT that the visual appeal and ease of use of Pinterest will be integrated into Facebook’s new functionality on their next version.
Why is Pinterest so popular? It’s easy to use, it’s functionality is simple and visual. The new Microsoft Phone has tiles, very similar to the boards on Pinterest. This platform is off to a wildly successful start, and the big difference is that retailers are generating sales. Facebook for the most part has not succeeded in generating eCommerce for their users.
Predict the Facebook will integrate many of the features found on Pinterest.
Pinterest users spend an average of 98 minutes on the platform over (4) four weeks. Facebook users over the same time period spend (7) seven hours.
Images and comments are what Pinterest is all about. Eighty percent (80%)of pins on Pinterest are re-pinned. Only (1.4) percent of tweets are re-tweeted!