Digital Marketing Guide

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 The Virtual Movement – All things digital. 

Many magazines and newspaper around the world will never again publish print editions. We are in a nexus of how we consume media, interesting if not uncertain times we live in. The reality movement is ending, the film Avatar marks the beginnings of what is now defined as a “Virtual Movement”. 

digital marketing

Digital Marketing Overview

  • What is Social Media? 
  • Ethics, understanding social media.
  • Social Media Platforms.
  • Branding
  • The Company Profile & Page
    • Call-to-Action
  • Content Marketing
    • Generating “Likes”, with social bookmarking.
    • Building “Links“ is developing relationships.
  • Interpreting Data
    • Google Analytics
    • Facebook Insights
  • Summary
    • Metrics
    • Social Media Tactics
    • Web Marketing Tools

Digital Marketing

It’s a process. Understand the medium that is digital.
Most of us are light social media users, we don’t spend hours each day “liking” things.  We consume social media like television, we read, watch videos, but in a passive way.  We listen, lurk and learn.

Heavy social media users constantly “like” things, they comment, they love and they are loyal.

digital marketing


Many of the strategies for “getting likes” not surprisingly wind up being banned by Facebook and other social media platforms.  Common sense always rules the day.

Digital Guidelines

  • Legal, copyright and intellectual infringements must be adhered to.
  • Crisis response time, 12 hours or less.
  • Employee access: Who has access and authorization to create content?
  • The Press:  Who can contact them?
  • Client must approve guidelines.

Review the guidelines on Facebook

Social Media Platforms

  • Facebook drives all social media.
  • Share company news, new product improvements, promotions and create useful content that establishes you as the expert in your field.
  • LinkedIn is used to . . .
    • research potential employees,
    • learn more about a potential business partner,
    • and to engage stakeholders by Link Building with
      • groups,
      • individuals,
      • businesses
      • and opinion leaders.
  • Twitter is an excellent platform for customer relations.
    • All communiqués are public and transparent.
    • Post press release on Twitter to reach the press and leaders in your community.

BRAND PROFILE You on-line profile(s) should be filled in completely.  Don’t leave any boxes blank unless they are totally inappropriate for your brand.

digital marketing


The Company Page 

Invest in developing your organization’s content  on LinkedIn Facebook, Twitter,  Pinterest and other important social media platforms.

  • What differentiates your service from the competition?
  • Details of your brand must be descriptive and comprehensive.
  • The categories for each social media platform help to optimize your services with smart keywords.


  1. Create a company page on LinkedIn.
  2. Advertise now job openings under “careers”.
  3. Join “Groups”, follow people and companies important in your field.
  4. Create compelling call-to-actions  under “services” with clickable banner ads that link directly to your website.
  5. Upload viral videos to inform and move your audience  act on your valuable services.

digital marketing

 Content Marketing

  • Foster product development and innovation.
  • Generate awareness.
  • Drive preference and differentiation.
  • Increase traffic and sales.
  • Build loyalty and deepen relationships.
  • Amplify recommendation and word of mouth.
  • Gain insights.


Generating “likes” and building “links”.

  • Increase online visibility and searches.
  • Tactically generate excitement and awareness by sharing content created in publications and online. 
  • Customized print content (magazines). Create weekly blogs (digital content) to be shared via social media platforms. 
  • Monthly Newsletter (print and off-line). 
  • Optimized Website Page Ranking (SEO/Keywords – Increase visibility in organic searches).

    High Bounce Rate ? Engagement is measured by how much time is spent on a site, page, article etc. Typically a high bounce rate (over 30%) indicates limited interest in your site, page, content, services etc.

    digital marketing


Facebook Insights  

  1. Identify posts that generate high levels of interest.
  2. Analyze the content that gets “liked”.
  3. Analyze demo breakouts by composition.
  4. Cross reference cities with Google Analytics.

digital marketing


Traditional Media

  • Direct Mail
  • Event Marketing (Promotions)
  • Public Relations (Reputation Management & Press Releases)
  • Print, Radio, Television

Digital Media

  • Analytics
  • Web Development (Design)
  • Search Engine Optimization(Keywords & Segmenting)
  • Social Media Marketing (Content)
  • eMail Marketing
  • Display Advertising (Online)
  • Mobile Marketing
  • Webinars
  • Digital Print, Television, Radio 


Measurement and Monitoring
Monthly tracking reports identify trends, opportunities and threats.

  • Web analytics will track and assess the efficacy of impressions generated from clicks and conversions.
  • Data, focus groups and surveys conducted will reveal insights into consumer attitudes and behavior and the effectiveness of marketing initiatives.

Social Media Tactics

  • Interact and support your fan base to generate “likes”, “followers”, “fans” and sales.
  • Tie goals to results with data analytics. 
  • Identify trends, threats, opportunities and learn about your stakeholders.
  • Engage consumers and thought leaders to join “comment threads”.
  • Social Bookmarking (akin to metadata or social tagging) summarizes content created with keywords so visitors can simply mouse over posts.
  • Create, nurture and develop authentic, sustainable conversions, relationships, partnerships and cross promotions. 
  • Link Build with groups, individuals, businesses and opinion leaders. 

Google Web Tools 

  •  Google  Webmaster Tools 
  • Google Insights
  • Google Trends 
  • Google Keyword Tool

Buy Ric Dragon’s book, “The DragonSerach Online Marketing Manual.” Excellent book to give you a comprehensive overview of website function, design, optimization and SEO.   Available for under $10 on Amazon.

Digital Marketing Guide
Article Name
Digital Marketing Guide
The Digital Marketing Guide wil maximize the impact of your marketing providing you with the skills to excel on social media marketing.
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Hudson Valley Public Relations
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Andrew Ciccone is director of Hudson Valley Public Relations. His firm specializes in content marketing. He holds a BS in Marketing from Syracuse University and a MA in Corporate Communications from Baruch College.

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