By Andrew Ciccone | Published | No Comments
Special to Hudson Valley Public Relations by Jalana Fuller, Intern Dutchess Community College
A well-developed website is not only aesthetically appealing, but is also a representation of one’s business. Small mistakes when creating a website can be unfavorable to business owners.
Good web design starts with three essential elements: Relevance, Connectedness, and Passion. In order for content in the website to be Relevant it must provide in-depth information that can be delivered in a search engine response. Connectedness refers to the understanding of people, places, and things and how they are all connected which in turn promotes link building. Passion is how you present the content that is being seen. In other words, individuals do not want to be bored by what they are seeing, everything on the page should sing and keep people browsing.
RELEVANCE. Web design starts with creating a site that is easy to navigate and user friendly. Individuals should be conscious of a few other aspects when developing a website:
Optimization: The process of making your online content more attractive to search engines and users than all other relevant content. Content. Clear and simple. Content must be engaging, easy to grasp and read. Every web page or web post must communicate only One Key Benefit and be singular in purpose.
CONNECTEDNESS. It is important to understand what permalinks are and how they aide in optimizing your content. Permalinks are the permanent URLs to your individual weblog posts, as well as categories and other lists of weblog postings. A permalink is the link to your webpage or blog post as well as the link to your site. The URL link permanent, it never changes — hence permalink.
People search for words, not dates or volume number. That is why it is critical to format your permalinks under POST NAME. See the above illustration that identifies words not numbers.
Meta titles and the domain name should be relevant, it is what people will remember. Meta descriptions are HTML attributes that provide concise summaries of webpages. They commonly appear underneath the blue clickable links in a search engine results page (SERP).
In order to ensure your site is readily found, conduct a keyword search for words or phrases related to your products or services. Identify keywords that are most relevant to your business. Assess how often keywords are searched and how their search volume changes over time. Narrow down your keyword list for the best keywords that are representative of your business.
Keyword Search
PASSION. Do Not Use “ad speak” or mention the competition. Click bait is a type of engagement tactic that makes unsubstantiated bold claims or promises that are unrealistic. Graphics and imagery should support the content of the site.
Graphic Design Basics
Your site should be visually exciting with copy, links and graphic treatments that pull you in. Take note of the content on your website. It only takes a second for someone to question why they are on your page! Sign up for our Crash Course In Digital Marketing.
To learn more about web development and ways to optimize your content, give us a call at 845.202.7087 or visit our website at
Source: Dragon, R. (2012). The DragonSearch Online Marketing Manual. McGraw-Hill.
Andrew Ciccone is director of Hudson Valley Public Relations. His firm specializes in content marketing. He holds a BS in Marketing from Syracuse University and a MA in Corporate Communications from Baruch College.