Marketing to Millennial Newlyweds, Think Digital

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Digital Marketing to Millennial Newlyweds
Marketing to Millennial Newlyweds, Think Digital

Everything today is on demand is this new digital world. Digital is now a part of most market plans, and mobile is where many smart marketers are advertising their products and services to reach highly desirable consumers such as newlyweds. Mobile searches are growing. In fact mobile smartphone and tablet searches eclipsed desktop queries in 2015.

Consumers interests change at different life-stages. Most newlyweds are concerned with owning a home and starting a family. As they plan, newlyweds need financial services to finance that new home, car and begin saving for the baby’s education. 

In the past year, 2.6 million Americans changed their relationship status to “engaged” on Facebook and most of them made the commitment in November and December. The median age of most newlywed couples is 24, 26 for women and 28 for men (Facebook Survey, 2014).

Newlywed couples and expecting parents are 2.7 times more likely than non-parents to use a smartphone as their primary device for researching products and services (Google Data Survey, 2014). Millennial newlyweds age 20 to 30 send 1.4 times more messages on Facebook using their smartphones than their single friends. Learn more about Facebook.

Women are more likely to use Facebook for wedding planning, researching bridal dresses, fashion and beauty related pages. The average wedding engagement is 14 months, and most weddings are in the summer months of May thru August.

Facebook pages visited shifts immediately after the wedding. Newly married couples tend to start “liking” and researching domestic topics online such as cooking and home improvement. Recently married men upload 20 percent more videos than their single friends aged 20 to 30 years. Their brides comment and post 30% more than their unmarried girlfriends.

Millennial parents, ages 18 to 34 search online 54% more than older parents on their mobile phones (Google Data Survey, 2014). Millennial moms and dads are both intimately involved in the research and ultimate purchase decisions.

Many millennials struggle with student debt, making saving for the future the over reaching driver on most of their purchase decisions. 

To learn more about millennial buying habits and how to market to newlyweds, contact us at 845.202.7087 or visit us online at for a consultation.

Johnsmeyer, A., Mooney, A., Roast, J. (May, 2014). Diapers to Diplomas: What’s on the Minds of Most Parents. Google Insights.
Helmrich, B. (December 1, 2014) Facebook Marketing Strategy by Life Stage. Business News Daily.

Marketing to Millennial Newlyweds, Think Digital
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Marketing to Millennial Newlyweds, Think Digital
Consumers interests change at different life-stages. Most newlyweds are concerned with owning a home and starting a family. As they plan, newlyweds need financial services to finance that new home, car and begin saving for the baby's education. 
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Hudson Valley Public Relations
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Andrew Ciccone is director of Hudson Valley Public Relations. His firm specializes in content marketing. He holds a BS in Marketing from Syracuse University and a MA in Corporate Communications from Baruch College.

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