Media Consumption 2020: Pivoting To A Digital World

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Leveraging digital media is now so much more important to your marketing mix. 

During this COVID-19 pandemic, the world has been quarantined, businesses shuttered. As a consequence we have all had to adjust to this new normal. As we come out of this very difficult time, some things have changed. 

Technology now delivers an on-demand world that can stream or purchase most anything from your handheld device. In fact, that’s been the case for over a decade. During this pandemic, we have all been subtly nudged into a more digital existence. From food, to entertainment, it’s all ordered online. 

Leveraging digital media is now so much more important to your marketing mix. 

Let’s look at the numbers. In the latest We Are Social (January, 2020 Trends Report, Hootsuite) report, e-commerce spending for fashion/beauty and electronic devices has surged 23% and 26 % respectively.

In fact more Americans have either upgraded or subscribed to online internet access during this pandemic. They are investing in electronic devices to stream content in their homes in record numbers. 

Network television viewership has been eroding now for decades, Americans have unplugged their cable boxes and are now streaming entertainment and most everything else online.  Media usage has dramatically shifted online.

Daily media consumption breaks down as follows:

Americans spend more than two additional hours online versus watching traditional television. Let’s breakdown what people are consuming while online:

The most visited online platforms are dominated by (YouTube 11 M 44 S) and (Facebook 17 M 48 S), (Amazon 9M 41 S) with the social channels consuming a significant amount of attention from American while online:

  • About ninety percent of the population (256.4 million Americans 18 yrs +) have a mobile device, which accounts for half of all online traffic (53%).
  • A third of Americans (34%) stream online movies, music and videos on their mobile devices.
  • And 3 out of four (77%) stream (41%) of data and content from their laptops or desktops. 
  • Mobile app usage is primarily used for social networking and entertainment with about a third beloved to banking.
  • Three out of four Americans (76%) purchased a product or service online. 

Consumers now look online for news, entertainment and shopping. Marketers must apply and translate the learning from traditional media when integrating digital into the marketing mix.  

Andrew Ciccone is director of Hudson Valley Public Relations. His firm specializes in content marketing. He holds a BS in Marketing from Syracuse University and a MA in Corporate Communications from Baruch College.

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