Amplify and Engage by Newsjacking Your Messages

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Newsjacking is the art and science of injecting your story into breaking news. By placing your message within the context of the conversation, you amplify your message. Newsjacking increases the visibility of your message, to move your key stakeholders to action.

Stories develop in real-time, breaking news surfaces in second. To get a jump on breaking news you’ve got to rely on trusted, credible news sources that get it right. Twitter is one of the best channels to track breaking stories.  @BreakingNews and @cnnbrk are excellent breaking news sources.



  1. Track breaking news stories of interest to your business.
  2. Research the trending story.
  3. Inject your story into the context of the conversation.

Newsjackcing amplifies your message with key thought leaders, lending authority and credibility.

Newsjacking, the process


Monitor & Listen — Set up alerts to get breaking news on stories of interest to your business.

Research —

  • Identify where the story originated;
  • Balance out trending stories that are reporting on the breaking news;
  • Integrate high search volume keywords wishing the breaking news

Spin It — Find your angle, differentiate your story.

Timing is Everything — Accuracy is as important as speed.  Get your story in the conversation, ASAP.

Engage & Share — Engage with key thought leaders.  And then share your story on the top social booking platforms.

Resist the Drama and Remain Calm 
Don’t get caught up in the sensational side of social media.  Resist the temptation to garner interest from sensational content. Never endorse (by liking or sharing) controversial or questionable content. Distance your message from anything or anyone who distorts the facts. Never mislead the public.

And don’t forget to create a compelling call-to-action (CTA). Compelling copy and appealing imagery can move you to act.  Get your stakeholders to vote, download a white paper or sign up for your newsletter.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about newsjacking, give us a call at 845.202.7087.  Or visit our website at


Source: Wainwright, C. (May 23, 2012). The Inbound Marketer’s Complete Guide to Newsjacking. Blog HubSpot.

Amplify and Engage by Newsjacking Your Messages
Article Name
Amplify and Engage by Newsjacking Your Messages
Newsjacking is the art of injecting your story into breaking news. Placing your message within the context of the conversation, amplifies your message.
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Hudson Valley Public Relations
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Andrew Ciccone is director of Hudson Valley Public Relations. His firm specializes in content marketing. He holds a BS in Marketing from Syracuse University and a MA in Corporate Communications from Baruch College.

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