A Unified Brand Message: The Art of Storytelling

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Storytelling and the Art of a Unified Brand Message
Storytelling and the Art of a Unified Brand Message

The Art of Storytelling

By Chris Largent, Hudson Valley Public Relations Content Writer.

To establish a coherent brand voice, your company must create a coherent brand message. Storytelling can be the key to this seemingly difficult task.

Storytelling has been around since the beginning of man. An art form that continues to evolve. Great storytellers have the gift, a way of distilling the message down. They tell the story in a way that commands our attention. Some others may be able to jot down a clear and coherent diagram of who was where and when. As marketers we strive to tell the story in the brand’s voice.

The Story and the Art

Every brand has a story that makes the brand unique. The art of telling it is what gets you business. The most compelling stories are original and authentic. They speak to us, we identify with the characters, the message.

– Characters
We’ve all had those people in our lives who’ve helped us along the way. Your friends, your boss and our heroes from sports and film. We draw upon these characters who made a difference in our lives and identify with them.

– Plot
Often times the best story is one that is concise. Grab and hold their attention. Keep it short, or you’ll loose them.
Coherency is important as well. Don’t loose the voice, don’t meander and veer off topic. Keep your story on message.

– Climactic Trends
No story is complete without a call to action, middle adversity, a climax and a resolution. Make your brand story the same way. Stories that boast ease are boring. Believe me, listen to someone else tell your story and see how it sounds. Adversity makes for an interesting story. Resolution gives the reader closure, a sense of finality. Don’t just end the story, make them want more.
Sometimes you give the audience the ending at the beginning. They read on to find out why and how things came to be.

– The Empathy Tool
Above all else, it is the installment of empathy that guarantees a good story. Use the emotions and experiences of your characters to your advantage. It is always better to feel and know, having experienced a hardship or an achievement. Being sympathetic is not as emotive. It’s important to understand this slight but important difference. When you feel it or know it, you are reaching the audience in a deeper way.

Now, Brand It

You have a great story, now make sure you are on message. What makes your company your company? Tell me the brand story. There are lots of great creatives who shape the brand’s message. The brand values must defined and detailed. All messaging across all channels must speak with one voice. The messages must all reinforce the brand message.

Everyone has their own style of writing, particularly those who know how to write well. But those who stand out the best stay true to the brand and speak the brand’s voice.
What is the voice? If it a strong and passionate voice? Do you speak out upon social injustices? What are the things you care about as a culture within your company? These are all things you must consider when developing your voice and message. Have them all squared away and keep them consistent.

Storytelling is an art, when done right, it rings true with your audience. They can’t help but want more.

To learn more about storytelling visit our website at, hudsonvalleypublicrelations.com. Or give us a call at 845.202.7087.

A Unified Brand Message: The Art of Storytelling
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A Unified Brand Message: The Art of Storytelling
To establish a coherent brand voice, your company must create a coherent brand message. Storytelling can be the key to this seemingly difficult task.
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Hudson Valley Public Relations
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Andrew Ciccone is director of Hudson Valley Public Relations. His firm specializes in content marketing. He holds a BS in Marketing from Syracuse University and a MA in Corporate Communications from Baruch College.

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