Women In The Workplace Are Now Leading The Way

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Women In The Workplace
Women In The Workplace

Special to Hudson Valley Public Relations by Brainn Newman, Intern from Marist College

Who runs the world? Historically, women have struggled to find their footing in the business world, but that’s changing. Today’s women are more educated, make more money, are running Fortune 500 corporations and hold positions at the highest offices in our government.

Women have made great strides in the workplace and this trend will continue as more and more women earn college degrees, enter into careers, and are promoted to the highest executive levels they were held back from in the past.

Education. Women are now leading the pack when it comes to being better educated at the start of their careers. Thirty years ago, eight percent more men aged 25-32 earned a four year degree over women. (Pew Research). In 1995, women surpassed men earning higher degrees. In 2013 seven percent more women had at least a four-year degree over men upon starting their careers.

Money. Although women still only make 93% of the average hourly wage of men for the same job. Wages have gone up significantly since the 1980’s, when women made about two thirds that of men. The Pew Research Center found that in 1980, men made about $20 per hour while women only made about $12 per hour. As of 2012, women’s wages increased on average to $14.96 per hour closing in on the men. At the same time, men’s average hourly wage has significantly decreased from $20 per hour to $16 per hour. Women now earn about a dollar less than men.

Opportunities in Different Industries. Women have been working hard to gain equal employment opportunities. While there has been an increase in these opportunities, 58% of millennial women and 46% of millennial men say that it is easier for men to get tops jobs in business and government. In 1993, research found that 62% of people said that society favors men over women. This number has gone down. As of 2013, 45% of people claim that society favors men over women. Progress.

Despite that the numbers show that almost half of the people think that society favors men over women. There are now many careers where women have the best jobs and make the most money. Industries in healthcare, educational, pharma and medicine manufacturing, insurance, advertising, and public relations have women at the senior levels.

Eventually women will truly run the world, alongside the men of course.


10 Findings about Women in the Workplace by The Pew Research Center. Retrieved on December 10, 2014 from http://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2013/12/11/10-findings-about-women-in-the-workplace/.

10 Industries Where Women Rule by Selena Dehne. Retrieved on December 10, 2014 from http://jobs.aol.com/articles/2009/01/26/10-industries-where-women-rule/.

Women In The Workplace Are Now Leading The Way
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Women In The Workplace Are Now Leading The Way
Despite that the numbers show that almost half of the people think that society favors men over women. There are now many careers where women have the best jobs and make the most money
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Hudson Valley Public Relations
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Andrew Ciccone is director of Hudson Valley Public Relations. His firm specializes in content marketing. He holds a BS in Marketing from Syracuse University and a MA in Corporate Communications from Baruch College.

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