TED Talks: The Importance of Digital Storytelling

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Telling Your Story Digital

Special to Hudson Valley Public Relations, Jalana Fuller Dutchess Community College Intern 

TED Talk’s videos are a resourceful network for information regarding a variety of topics ranging from business and science, to health and activism. Their videos on digital storytelling offer refreshing insight on the importance of storytelling that can be directly applied to the PR world.

Digital media has changed the way individuals communicate and retain information. In this digital world, the messages that we put forth must be formed in a compelling manner. We must shift our narrative away from selling and simply pushing the message out, to creating a conversation within the context of the crowd. Our narratives must be engaging as well as more visually interesting and shareable digital content.

Joe Sabia “The Technology of Storytelling”

Joe Sabia states that although the stories, or messages that are being pushed through are “recycled,” or the same, the way that humans are sending out these messages has evolved. Technology has made it so that the same message can be told multiple different ways, each being received by a different audience.

It is not necessary to have an active presence on all media platforms, but it is important to adapt to what is working within any channel . Relying on traditional media may not be the optimal method in reaching a mass audience today.

Andrew Stanton “The Clues to a Great Story”

Andrew Stanton explains the key aspects to digital storytelling. Connection. The idea is to make the audience care about what is being said. Making use of the correct media outlets, blogs, Facebook, Twitter, etc. and videos. Videos are now becoming more prevalent on all social media channels. We are in the midst of new ways on how, when and where we consume media in this on-demand digital world. The connection between the brand and the consumer equates to love. Connection equals brand loyalty.

In order to create effective storytelling, it is important to follow these steps:

  • Research. First, gather data and other story elements together and determine the best way to tell that story so it is shareable and interesting.
  • Creation. Weave the story together expertly, bringing all these elements together in a typical story arc. Make sure all links and widgets are available so the story is shareable.
  • Distribution and promotion. With client approval, share and promote your story quickly with your intended audience.

Genug Ist Genug —

Enough is Enough, let’s change the game for ever. Tell your story!

For more information regarding digital marketing visit www.hudsonvalleypublicrelations.com or give us a call at 1.845.202.7087

Convince and Convert. “3 TED Talks that Uncover the Secret of Storytelling” Retrieved 8/12/15 from http://www.convinceandconvert.com/content-marketing/3-ted-talks-that-uncover-the-secrets-of-storytelling/
PRCG Powerlines, “Digital Storytelling: Shift from Selling to Compelling” Retrieved 8/12/15 from http://prcgpowerlines.com/digital-storytelling-from-selling-compelling/
Video Source. TED Talks Retrieved 8/12/15  from https://www.ted.com/talks

TED Talks: The Importance of Digital Storytelling
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TED Talks: The Importance of Digital Storytelling
Videos are now becoming more prevalent on all social media channels. We are in the midst of new ways on how, when and where we consume media in this on-demand digital world. The connection between the brand and the consumer equates to love. Connection equals brand loyalty.
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Hudson Valley Public Relations
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Andrew Ciccone is director of Hudson Valley Public Relations. His firm specializes in content marketing. He holds a BS in Marketing from Syracuse University and a MA in Corporate Communications from Baruch College.

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