Marketing Magic: Online Gaming

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Game on.

People love playing games.  Online Texas Hold ’em, Xbox, Play Station — most likely you have a game app on your phone.  Gaming can be highly addictive.  The most successful games are often near impossible to win.  So why play?  Gamers, are not quitters. In fact, they become obsessed with improving their scores.

Online Gaming
Gaming Tactics
Ready, Set, Go! Embed psychological hooks to create excitement, such as a game clock.  Now let’s apply some smart marketing tactics.  Apply a countdown timer to a marketing survey or product demonstration to transform your campaign into a fun, interactive call to action that delivers an intrinsic reward.

Gaming Strategy
Gaming can be highly effective for brand awareness-building, take note that roughly 70 percent of marketing games fail.  Seriously, creating a great game is not easy, but when it works its amazing.

Foursquare has built a business off of giving badges to users for performing certain tasks, but this approach doesn’t fit every business need. Why not replace your online sign-up form with an entertaining interactive video quiz?

Remember keep it simple.
The design and development can be daunting.  Be prepared for setbacks that are  time consuming and expensive.  Test, test, test.  Savvy marketers keep their projects lean implementing simple surveys and/or robust feedback systems to ensure the gaming experience is on-message, fun, and delivers marketing goals.

Source: Darren Steele, Mindspace


Marketing Magic: Online Gaming
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Marketing Magic: Online Gaming
Gaming can be highly effective for brand awareness-building.
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Hudson Valley Public Relations
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Andrew Ciccone is director of Hudson Valley Public Relations. His firm specializes in content marketing. He holds a BS in Marketing from Syracuse University and a MA in Corporate Communications from Baruch College.

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