Breaches occur every day. Not having a cyber security plan in place, is quite simply – negligence.
Small or big – no industry is immune. The fiscal and reputational damage from compromised data can destroy your brand’s trust and credibility. Considerable time and valuable resources are spent on restoring the trust and credibility lost from a breach, if ever.
The aftershock from a breach is often the media storm that erupts causing lasting reputational damage.
What type of data do you access? Where is it? Who owns it?
How do you classify and sort data? Is it secure?
Are you meeting industry standards for compliance?
What would happen to your business if the data was compromised?

Before investing in security technology, assess your internal and external data networks. Create a secure framework from the inside – out.
Have your data audited, assess the threat to the organization.
Initiate a security framework – train, educate and continually test your policies and procedures.
Manage your communications, once a breach occurs, you must respond immediately, every second counts.
There are sensible, cost effective solutions that protects sensitive data from unnecessary risk exposure. Take measured steps, don’t attempt to address the entire organization across all data type simultaneously. Address critical data vulnerabilities first. Develop a long term strategy that is flexible and responsive.